Tuesday, March 19, 2013

HockeyApp Integration for iOS

HockeyApp Integration for iOS
The Hockey App SDK allows to send crash reports. If a crash has happened, it will ask the tester on the next start whether he wants to send information about the crash to the server.
The SDK runs on devices with iOS 5.0 or higher.
This is the url for download HockeyApp SDK
If you need support for iOS 4.x, please check out HockeySDK v2.5.5
If you need support for iOS 3.x, please check out HockeyKit and QuincyKit
Step to implement HockeyApp in to iOS Application
1. Download the latest HockeySDK-iOS framework.
2. Unzip the file. A new folder HockeySDK-iOS is created.
3. Move the folder into your project directory. We usually put 3rd-party code into a subdirectory named Vendor, so we move the directory into it.
Set Up Xcode
1. Drag & drop HockeySDK.embeddedframework from your project directory to your Xcode project.
2. Select Create groups for any added folders and set the checkmark for your target. Then click Finish.
3. Select your project in the Project Navigator (⌘+1).
4. Select Your Target.
4. Select the tab Build Settings.
5. Search for preprocessor macros
6.Select the top-most line and double-click the value field.
7. Click the + button.
8. Enter the following string into the input field and finish with "Done".

Modify Code in AppDelegate.m
#import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>
add following code in ApplicationDidFinishLaunching.
[[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] configureWithBetaIdentifier:@"BETA_IDENTIFIER"
[[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] startManager];

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